NJ’s Green Amendment Gets A Hearing After 5 Years: Thank you to supportive testifiers!

Yesterday, one after another, NJ Green Amendment advocates and experts laid out reasons to the NJ Senate Environment and Energy Committee, why the people of New Jersey deserve a constitutionally protected right to a clean and healthy environment. Miss it? You can listen to it here.

“After 6 years of no legislative advancement – the New Jersey Green Amendment received a hearing today - March 7, 2024 - before the Senate Environment & Energy Committee. In a packed room, committee members heard overwhelming support for the proposal to amend the state’s constitution to include a right of the people to “a clean and healthy environment, including pure water, clean air, and ecologically healthy habitats” and creating an obligation on all government officials in the state to protect New Jersey’s natural resources for present and future generations. While the amendment was up for committee discussion and public testimony, it was not the subject of a vote by the committee – though advocates present at the hearing remain hopeful that a vote, which they expect will advance the bill, is imminent.”

Read the full press release HERE!

Stay tuned and get involved with the educational effort to pass a NJ Green Amendment.

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