WE love our community of supporters!

Water is life. It is our sacred responsibility to protect Sister Water.

Waterspirit relies upon the generosity of like-hearted water protectors like you.

Please consider making a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation today.

Sponsor our gala

CLICK HERE to learn more about sponsorship opportunities for our gala on March 22, 2024.

There are many different ways to donate to Waterspirit:

  • To make a one-time or recurring transaction using a credit card, bank account, or PayPal, please click the button below to donate online via our Kindful page.

  • Cash or check donations may be mailed to our office at 4 E. River Road, Rumson, NJ 07760.

    Are you ready to make a bigger investment?

    Please consider joining one of our BRAND NEW giving tiers, each featuring exclusive perks:

    Spring of Solidarity: $250+

    - 25th anniversary limited edition stainless steel water bottle.

    - Recognition in Waterspirit communications, including our annual report.

    Lake of Peace: $500+

    - All benefits listed above plus early program registration for events with limited capacity.

    River of Justice: $1,000+

    - All benefits listed above plus a special discount on tickets to our annual gala, Joys of the Sea.

    Ocean of Hope: $2,500+

    - All benefits listed above plus one private mindfulness in nature session for a group of up to 10 participants.

    Join Our Regeneration Circle!

    If you are ready to invest in Waterspirit’s future by making today’s gift a three-year pledge, you will also receive:

    - An invitation to an exclusive reception with a leader in the field of spiritual ecology.

    - An invitation to name a program in your honor for three-year period (Ocean of Hope tier



  • We offer beautifully printed honor and memory cards that help you honor your loved ones’ dedication to Mother Earth with a donation to Waterspirit. Each set includes a card for notifying your loved ones of your gift, as well as a response envelope. Honored loved ones’ names are included in our newsletters. Please write or call to let us know the quantity and type(s) of card(s) you would like to receive.

  • Do you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? You can select Waterspirit/the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (EIN 22-2006765) as a recipient of your charitable giving. Learn more here.

  • Would you like to make a lasting impact? Write to us or call us to learn more about legacy giving to Waterspirit.

  • Would you or your business like to make an in-kind donation or sponsor an event? Let us know by sending us an email or giving us a call.
